You’ve Got A Higher Power

If you haven’t read my last post I suggest that you go read it, otherwise this might not make much sense.

I’m not going to lie, after publishing my last post a sense of fear came over me.

I did some shadow work, to find out where this fear came from. It boiled down to the fact, that the ones who currently rule the physical world, do not want us to remember this. Throughout history they have murdered shamans, lightworkers, witches, healers. Not only killing them, but taking the knowledge and techniques, to use to their advantage and making it harder for us to remember. (I’ll go further into how they do this in another post)

I had a long discussion with my spirit guides, I was making loads of excuses why I couldn’t do it. They lovingly reminded me “remember who you are” What do they mean by that? This might sound like an odd question, but do you know who you are?

Without labelling yourself as what you do, your interests, job, titles, roles, without all that, who are you?

Are you your thoughts? In your head say the word: hello. Can hear that voice in your head? You are the listener, the one observing the voice, not the voice itself.

So how do you find out, who you are? By working on yourself, practicing meditation. No thoughts. Becoming nothing. You will meet your higher self. Your true essence.

Your soul will leave the body and you’ll experience the purest form of love and light. It’s beautiful and feels soo familiar, like coming back home. You’ll realise that you are in the presence of god and that you are an extention of that energy.

I don’t often use the word god as I feel like religion has tainted that word, I prefer source energy/universe/spirit. But feel like I need to say god, so you can appreciate how powerful you are.

There’s no need to be scared of the ones ruling the physical world. We’re made of the strongest force in the universe; Love.

The truth is reveling itself. Everything will be exposed. This is why many people are having awakenings. My purpose is to help others on their awakening journey.

You might be thinking that I’m crazy. But I reckon there’s another voice in your head saying that it might be true. Probably because one of the rules of the universe, is that this knowledge can’t be a complete secret. What’s going on has to be at least indirectly mentioned. There’s soo many clues in song lyrics, flims, books, symbology and myths.

I love learning lyrics to songs, and that really helped me realise what’s going on. So perhaps I’ll share a song that’s relevant to what I’m talking about in each blog post.

This tune puts a smile on my face and great to have a boogie to! Coldplay are such an underrated band in my opinion.

There’s alot more coming out of my big mouth about the awakening! Follow me so you don’t miss out on my posts. Thanks for having an open mind and reading.

From Uprooted to Repotted

Us humans are intresting creatures.

We came from the Earth Mother, Plants that turned human.

Consider how alike we are to plants:

Just as roots draw up nutrients from the Earth. We eat food that’s from the earth.

Our bodies do the work of balancing the life giving energy from the sun, with the purity of water.

Plants thrive when they’re in a community; picture a lush forest. We also need each other for friendship and support.

Plants require a home. Some form of stable ground where they can spread their roots.

Houses are like pots, A safe space, where we feel comfortable to spread our roots.

After travelling, I came back to my childhood pot. The shadows of my roots welcomed me back. Reconnected with my past self, Honouring the younger version of me. Thankful for how much I’ve grown and learnt.

As the plant grows, the roots take up all the space that’s available. A pot bound plant needs more earth to take in nutrients, but most are resilient enough to survive being pot bound. When they’re eventually repotted into a bigger home the plant experiences stress, until they have adjusted to their new home where they can thrive once more.

I liked my childhood pot, but had outgrown it. I felt a call to live in a totally new place. So I made myself homeless again. With a handful of my belongings on back, I drifted through England.

Uprooted, living in hostels, no stable ground to claim as my own, it dulled my light. I was in survival mode, didn’t have it in me to do what I love; create.

After relentlessly messaging landlords, I eventually found a pot I could call home in Exeter.

The first few days I was feeling down in my new home. The air was really thick and muggy, which added to my blues. Sleeping with the windows wide open, but no breeze graced me.

One day I was woken up at 5:30 am by heavy rain. A wide smile spread across my face. Thank you beautiful rain! I ran outside dancing, singing “FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN…”

I looked up the song, and the lyrics resonated so well with my situation. The universe is always talking to us. I’ve linked in the version with the lyrics so you can dance and sing to it too!

Thanks for reading! Expect more regular posts as I’m feeling the divine creative energy run through me.

We Are Strong!

Rise Up Like the Sun

Does anyone else get waaayyy too excited and start loads of different projects?

I can’t help it, my mind is buzzing with ideas!

I did give myself a little pep talk this morning though, like Naomi you need to finish, before starting another project! If not I’ll end up with loads of unfinished bits and bobs and get overwhelmed at what to do.

I wanted to add this song to my last post. But thought Naaah!

Let’s do a whole post dedicated to this tune!

Watch Pat Benatar sing her heart out and tell an emotional story through dance and song.

An Authoritative dad yells at his daughter.

Young Rebellious Woman Roars back.

The loving mother looks at her partner like a scared child. Distraught over his harsh punishment towards their daughter. Without even discussing it with her.

Toxic masculinity at its finest.

Tightening her grip on her wedding ring. Shaming herself because she’s not strong enough to leave this asshole of a man.

Kicked out of her Home. Feeling like an Outcast. We see her story unfold. She becomes a woman of the streets. Men constantly lingering around her. Defiantly singing past them.

Enters in a smokey room…haha I just had too!

People moodly staring. We’re introduced to a creepy guy with a silly grin.

Boring night at the club; everyone looks depressed.

When we hear a woman scream.

She’s being harassed by that creepy guy!

Strong Women draped in rags emerge on the dance floor. Support is here. Dancing with Power and Unity.

The Man is looking really freaked out!

I could help myself! He’s such a meme!

I’m surprised they dance together! Then again it is a music video Naomi! There’s fierce dances like Paso Doble that represent fighting. I’ve been watching too much strictly come dancing lol

She chucks holy water to cleanse the toxic masculinity in him. He touches her without her permission. Without fear she bats him away. Shimmying out the door with her girl gang.

Out in the daylight we can really see the amazing outfits the women have! Love the bright clashing colours. The 80s! What a cool time heh?

They thank and bless each other before going their separate ways.

Finishing with Pat Benatar strutting her stuff towards the sunset.


Three Sisters In Athens

My Guilty Pleasures…

Shine your light


The title is just to Hook you in.

I don’t AAActually feel Guilty.

About Anything.

Sadly some humans,

Set Expectations,

For themselves,

Feel Guilt,

When they like something they’re not “supposed to like.”

I call Ball Shit!

I’m sure we’ve been Subliminally Indoctrinated by Religion.

To stay away from things we Love.

“Enjoy Yourself, but don’t enjoy yourself too much. Remember God is always watching, and he’ll punish you in the after life.”

I tangent off so easily! Lepooonn…

Guilty Pleasures That Should just be called Pleasures.

You’re the Voice by John Farnham

Turn this anthem up full blast! Can’t help but smile hearing this.

“You’re the Voice. Try to understand it. Make a noise and make it clear”

Inspiring Activism and Expression.

We’re living in a reality where we can express ourselves.

So Paint About it!

Shout about it!

Write about it!

Personally I love shouting “We can Write what we want to Write”

I get a bit emotional when the bagpipes come in.

How does this song make you feel? Let me know!

I can’t enter more YouTube videos!

So I’ll do separate posts for each song.

City Covered In Art